Friday, May 12, 2006

Pretend Hipster.

Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Chicago. When people with blogs go away to other places they seem to often advise (warn?) their readers that upon their return, pictures will forth come. There will be no pictures posted here to show you what a swell time was had by me. You are welcome.

In the while, buy this shirt. <via>


Blogger Cupcake said...

Uh, guilty as charged. You should meet my friend Al. She loves zombies. Loves 'em. She just hosted the Zombie March in Boston. A nice little piece of grassroots undead performance drinking.

11:21 PM  
Blogger sailfish said...

where you goin? back up to minn to visit your friends? have a great time! (if you are.) otherwise, if this is just a random post about you warning us to NOT look for pics of you having a wonderful time if/when you do go somewhere, well awlrighty then.

9:39 AM  
Blogger sailfish said...


if you're in the chicago area and don't tell me i'm gonna womp up on you when i see you next. and i'm NOT buying one of those dumb shirts.

11:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good news Drew... that thing that I screwed up at work... it isn't broken. I just got it to work.

9:37 PM  
Blogger Lord of the Barnyard said...

i don't even love zombies. elongated braaaaaains don't make me smile. but choosing your level of gore is very appealing.

anon - who, wha? i have far too many friends screwing the things up at work to guess at what you are referring.

6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you knew exactly what was being talked about... you just didn't write it.

12:03 PM  

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