Monday, August 14, 2006


No one gets it. That includes you, Sammy J.

I wandered over to Google News the other day. Under entertainment I found the Snakes on a Plane had merited enough articles to make it onto the front page. I read a couple.

These people have no idea what they’ve created.
New Line Cinema thinks that they are responsible for the hype.
So many interviews with people associated with this film telling about what they did to make it the cultural phenomenon it became. The PR people think they did it. The director thinks he did it. Sammy J even thinks he’s partially responsible because he forced them to keep the working title. This guy thinks he did it. Well, he probably did.

You’re all wankers. It’s a meme. No one knows why some things slow burn into everyone’s mind. Stop pretending you had something to do with it. It was a ridiculous idea for a shit film. Perfectly ridiculous, it made some internet types smile. Smiling internet types like to spread the love. Hence the anticipation. That is all.


Blogger laughjon said...

Nice observation. Any time someone sets out to make something a phenomenom it ends up being exactly not that.

Let SoaP be what it is, a horribly bad movie that has a funny premise. In reality this was definitely developed as a first rate action flick.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Brad K. said...

The phrase 'too many cooks spoil the broth' comes to mind. Also the pejorative 'designed by committee'. Sometimes good things happen, but the best chances are that communal designs take a heck of a lot more work to make them usable.

8:37 AM  
Blogger SLRd said...

SnakesonaBlog guy needs to never use Papyrus font again.

(Rusty yelled at me for discussing fonts the other day)(yelled might be a little harsh of a word but he did make fun of me)

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A: I'm ok with my ONE use of the Papyrus font.

B: I haven't ever claimed to be responsible for the meme.

3:29 PM  
Blogger Lord of the Barnyard said...

shannon, do you just hate papyrus in general, cause, i'll have to agree with the man, he does only use it in the title.

and, Finkelstein, sorry if i misrepresented you. the others all thought they did something special to make this meme go. you actually had something to do with it.
i didn't mean to suggest that you were out there crowing about making it go.
though, it could be easily read that way, yes. sorry.
end apology.

5:04 PM  
Blogger Lord of the Barnyard said...

oh, and B: you should have better things to do than follow technorati links back to my page, or are you so inclined to read everything possible surrounding SoaP?

5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck Klosterman writes a nice little bash column about SoaP in an old issue of Esquire (a magazine that probably fits nicely on the shelf of a 24 year old Ohioan farmer).

Anyway, Drew, you and Klosterman share the same views on the movie. He takes it further in thinking that SoaP will ruin the movie industry for years because other industry idiots will try to recreate the buzz. Which, as Jon, pointed out, will inevitably fail because they are trying to create buzz.

Well, I've succeed to reiterate stuff that everyone else has said and included no original thought. I guess I can cross that off my 'things to do today' list.

10:38 AM  
Blogger SLRd said...

It's nothing personal about the papyrus thing. That font just makes me want to stab myself with a dull knife.

Let us call it an irrational girl thing.

10:47 AM  
Blogger Lord of the Barnyard said...

found in a post release profit revue:
"Samuel L. Jackson plays an FBI agent trying to regain control of a plane that the Mafia had filled with poisonous snakes in order to kill a protected witness. The only problem was that the title so handily summed up the film's plot that there was little incentive to see it, said Brandon Gray, an analyst at"

also, he said, "i just don't get it. at all."

6:58 PM  
Blogger Todd Norem said...

I saw it with Ian and a couple other people after drinking some beers on opening night. At the height of the drama the voices get all warbly. It was hard to tell if it was supposed to be that way or not. Then at the most intense part in the whole movie the screen goes dark. The movie eventually resumes, but the house lights stay on. All of this added to campiness of the movie. I can't imagine seeing it a month from now in an empty theater or renting it. Zzzzz. But on opening night? It was a blast.

2:25 PM  

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