Thursday, February 23, 2006

Big Bwana.

That club of coyote hunters who came and made silly noises back in the brush took the good part of a sunny saturday to bag one lone coyote. What a sad waste.
Rusty and I plan to waste our Friday evening trying to bag our own trophy mange-dog. But we're going to avoid all the effort that the "professional" coy hunters employ.
We have available coyote bait of the toppest value. You see, Stupid's month was up on Monday and I hadn't received enough interest from concerned PETA groupies to keep my starving african child down cow fed for just pennies a day! Have you ever watched those shows where the bored crazy rich people attempt to go fishing for sharks and have to use giant chunks of bloody cow to get the sharks attention? It's just like that. Excepting a camera crew and, uh, sunlight.
Tomorrow Stupid closes his pretty little eyes and I put him back in the fields. He'll be surrounded on three sides by a willow tree and two small streams. The fourth side faces the coyote brush, which will be lined with groundhog traps. Rusty and I will be on the overlooking hill, in our nifty coyote blind:
Tangent - if you breed a coyote and a dog together, you get a coy dog. Just like a horse - mule - donkey combo. The resulting offspring is sterile. There was a problem in our community some years before I was born, involving a lowlife who bred some coy (pronounced just like the coy part of coyote, stupid English language) dogs to fight in the dog fights. And now there are rumors around that the coyotes are really packs of coy dogs. Which aren't true, because, well sterility isn't inheritable.


Blogger Stephen said...

Good luck with the hunt Drew!

Could you chop the coyote(s) you catch up and use it to catch other coyotes (or possible sasquach)?

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're the awesomest, Drew McCoy.

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coydogs have diminished fertility and breeding cycles that are more like dogs than 'yotes but they aren't sterile, at least not the F1 and probably the gen after that. A .223 through the lights affects reproductive rates better than military issue eye glasses.

1:22 AM  

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