Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Legs is the Word of the Month!

I'm only here intending to educate, but this could be considered NSFW nor prudes.

The first Saturday of every month is Gallery Hop in the Short North. A monthly art crawl. It draws out mostly the oh-so-earnestly respectable gay couples, drunk and lost Buckeyes fans, uptight Republican suburbanites, Bush-hating vegans, and kids with nothing better to do.

After half-watching the Bucks slide to a sloppy win and starting a good round of Bid-a-Trick me and a couple of friends headed down High Street to join in the festivities. Around nine thirty I found myself facing a wall of metal art. And the same question that had bothered me the last time I hopped did spring into my head.

What is the female equivalent of 'phallic'? Ever since Freud, anything even vaguely cylindrical in shape is viewed as a representation of male genitalia. Cigars are phallic. Penises pop up everywhere unbidden. More importantly, phallic became a widely known and understood and overly bandied term, understood by all but the most ignorant. How could the feminists have missed this vital equalizer? All I could think up was "vaginal."” But this is clearly not a good opposite. How could I ever discuss Georgia O'Keefe again? No one in my party knew. Nor did any of the tightly packed-in art gazers who were forced to overhear my question.

When we got back to the condo, the midget pirate did her wonderful trick of getting what she wants and forced Google to tell her the secret answer.
The female counterpart to phallic is yonic. Let everyone know. You know, spread the word. Yonic. Yonic. Yonic.

Here it is in question and answer form on the Random Houses Word of the Day.
Here is a clever picture on the yonic pool on Flickr.
Here's a slightly more in depth look.


Blogger Lord of the Barnyard said...

to her considerable credit: local girl was the one person i queried who knew at least where to start in answering this question. she was savvy enough to run to hindu.
four points delores.

7:06 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...


I did NOT know the word Yonic. And I consider myself quite well-read on all things like this. Is it pronounced yawn-ic? If so, that might have to be changed so as to make it a little more exciting. Maybe YO-neek.

Funny post.

8:00 PM  
Blogger Cybele said...

Writer/astrologer Rob Breszny (www.freewillastrology.com) uses the words lingam and yoni frequently in his writings, and,VCoF, yonic IS pronounced Yawn-ick.

Thank you, LotB, for not referring to yonic as the 'opposite' of phallic.

12:01 AM  
Blogger Todd Norem said...

The conch shell is definitely yonic. Google image it. See?

I'm about to go on a nice long walk and look for all things yonic.

4:46 PM  
Blogger laughjon said...

Then google Yonex. The tennis, and golf manufacturer. Interesting logo.

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually, though yonic may indeed be correctly pronounced 'yawn-ic' in english, correctly pronounced in hindu it is 'YO-nic' - or at least, that is how my professor of hindu mythology, who was from india, pronounced it.

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blegh. Yonics.

10:42 AM  

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