Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Gabe is a Winner.

Nothing much going on. Cows are calving. Eight as of this morning, but one isn't doing so hot. Spring is here so Ohio threw snow all around. Found an ultimate team to play on in Columbus for spring club games. Games start on Saturday. Built a potato gun, but haven't yet fired it. Starting I think tomorrow Uncle Doug and I will fix the main barn where the roof is falling in. Darwin is still scared of everything. The groundhogs have all so far eluded me. I saw a giant muskrat in the creek the other day.

There is a new link under Goodness. Some of you received an email from me asking people to vote for my UWP friend Gabe for a position as a TJ on the Travel Channel show 5 Takes. He got the spot and is currently filming. That kicks ass. He defeated a Threadless contender no less. Gabe is funny. Unconventionally, unintentionally, Ian funny. So, watch, participate, enjoy.


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